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Asking for Andre Page 5
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Page 5
* * * * *
The next afternoon, Casey tugged self-consciously at the front of her blouse. She’d worn one of her new outfits and was already regretting it. Her breasts were half exposed and she had to resist the urge to tie a scarf around the open area of her chest. She felt different, as if people were staring for all the wrong reasons.
Especially since she was starting to believe that more than a few of her coworkers had seen her nearly sucking the lips off their biggest client. She’d gotten several pointed looks, especially from the guys in the office.
Casey’s mind tormented her with images of the glittering ballroom, the endless glasses of champagne and most of all, the intoxicating man who’d been by her side through it all. She didn’t even want to imagine what he thought of her. He probably hadn’t wasted any time finding someone to take her place.
Not that I blame him.
She pictured him as he’d been when she left him on Saturday night, puzzled by her bizarre behavior no doubt. It made her cringe all over again. In her experience sex had been just one more thing that didn’t live up to the hype. Not something that made her feel achy and wanton and beautiful. If nothing else, Andre had shown her desire wasn’t something to be afraid of but something to celebrate. To cherish. If only she hadn’t repaid his efforts by freaking out on him.
“Did you already set up conference room three?”
Casey looked up into Milo Hamilton’s expectant face. Focus, Casey. You’ve got work to do.
“I don’t remember seeing any appointments for this afternoon.” She pulled up the calendar on her computer. It showed only internal meetings. All of the conference rooms were available. “There must be a mistake…”
“Actually it’s my fault.” Law walked up, hands held out in surrender. “I had to reschedule The Lavin Group to this afternoon.”
Her heartbeat came to a screeching halt in her chest. “The Lavin Group? Andre Lavin is coming back today?”
Both men peered at her strangely. Law nodded slowly. “At three o’clock. I told Anya about it last Friday. Didn’t she tell you?”
Casey swallowed against the sudden hard knot crowding her throat. “It must have slipped her mind.”
Her insides went hot and she clenched her fists on top of the desk. Anya hadn’t forgotten, the traitor. No wonder she’d been so adamant that Casey dress up a little today! She obviously planned to test out her matchmaking skills. Too bad Casey had already ruined her chances with Andre by running away like a virgin schoolgirl. She had hoped to have some time before she had to see him again.
“It’s no problem at all.” She took a few deep breaths before continuing. “Just let me know what you need and I’ll get everything set up.”
Law shook his head. “Like I said, it’s my fault. Anya was supposed to tell you, but she must have forgotten. I usually check on these things, but then I… Well, I forgot too.”
Milo’s lips twitched as if fighting back a smile. “Of course. It shouldn’t take long to set up the room. We just need some refreshments and an extra set of hands to assemble the design boards.”
Casey carefully removed her headset. “I’m on it. I’ll go see if Anya is available to help as well.” She concentrated on keeping her steps light and even. She glanced over her shoulder to see both men watching her. As soon as she rounded the corner, she broke into a sprint.
“Whoa! Where’s the fire?” Anya appeared suddenly and grabbed her arm, yanking her into the copy room. She poked her head out the door and squinted up and down the hallway. “Who are you running from?”
“I’m not running from anyone. I was trying to find you.” She cornered Anya and crossed her arms. Anya avoided her gaze, suddenly interested in the stacks of paper on the worktable in front of her.
“Is he here already?” The other woman had the grace to at least look guilty.
“Who exactly are you referring to, Anya?” she spat. “I don’t have anything on the schedule for this afternoon. I’m sure you wouldn’t purposely omit telling me about an appointment that was rescheduled.”
Anya huffed out a breath. “Don’t be so dramatic. I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d just worry about it all day. I already set up the refreshments so all that’s needed are the handouts for the presentation.”
“I hate being caught off guard. I feel like I’m already out of my league as it is,” Casey argued.
Anya picked up a large stack of paper and handed it to Casey. “Just follow my lead. It’s fine. Everything is under control.”
Casey gave up trying to talk sense into Anya. It was too late to do anything about it now because it was almost three o’clock. She couldn’t pretend to be sick or suddenly remember she had a doctor’s appointment. The best she could do was just grit her teeth and try not to screw up.
Anya walked down to the largest conference room and immediately crossed to the sideboard where the food was. Law walked up and said something that caused Anya to turn her back to him. Law stood staring at the stiff set of her shoulders for a moment before walking away.
Casey hugged the stack of papers against her chest and let out a soft breath of relief. He wasn’t here yet so she still had time to get herself together.
She heard a soft sound behind her. She turned and slammed into something that felt like concrete. “Ouch!” She clutched frantically at the sheets of paper but it was no use. Dozens of white sheets fell to the floor and scattered across the room.
Everything went completely still. Casey flushed as every eye in the room turned her way. Including the eyes attached to the body she’d just crashed into.
The very firm, black-suited body.
She peeked up tentatively. A pair of somber gray eyes stared back.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Lavin.” She knelt and started gathering the handouts. She looked up to see everyone watching. To be precise, they were watching the man now kneeling on her right.
Andre Lavin was actually down on the floor collecting the papers at his feet into a neat pile. She closed her eyes as shame washed over her in waves. So much for remaining inconspicuous. Not only was everyone staring, but she had the agency’s biggest client scrabbling around on the floor.
“Oh no, please don’t do that. You’ll get all dirty.” She took the pile of paper he’d collected and tugged at his arm.
“I don’t mind. It was my fault after all.” He stood in one swift motion. “Besides, I don’t mind getting a little dirty.”
A slow, suggestive grin spread over his face and her heart began to beat so hard she feared she would drop everything all over again. Just to be safe, she set it all down on the conference table.
Anya walked over and picked up half the handouts. Everyone had finally turned their attention to other things but Casey still felt conspicuous.
Probably because Andre hadn’t taken those penetrating eyes off her since the collision.
He stood, casually elegant with his hands in his pockets. There was no censure in his gaze for the way she’d run out on him Saturday night. His smile was just as warm as always. She could almost forget the past weekend had even happened. Until his eyes dropped to her breasts and his lips curled into a small smile. Her nipples turned traitor and peaked under his gaze, pushing against the fabric of her top. His eyes homed in on the sharp points immediately. The man had no shame.
Casey coughed and turned away, trying to get her breathing under control. The lights dimmed slightly, which prodded her into action. She had work to do and the agency wasn’t paying her to stand around and ogle handsome men. Even irresistible Italian ones.
Everyone took their seats as the presentation began. Not for the first time, she marveled at how fluidly Milo and Mya worked together. They each presented a separate section of the presentation and at times finished each other’s sentences when one or the other got stuck explaining a point.
It must be wonderful to have someone who understands you that way.
She circled the table slowly, distributing the handout
s relevant to the next part of the presentation. Anya had already given them out on her side of the conference table, leaving Casey to hand them to Andre and the other members of his company.
There was Jason Gaultier, a tall, blond man who ran the financial division and an older woman she’d never seen before who wore her striking silver hair back in a twist. The woman regarded Casey icily before turning her attention back to the front.
As she rounded the table toward Andre, her mind raced looking for an excuse not to walk over to him. Finally, she tried to place the handout on the table in front of him but he reached out and took it so their fingers brushed. She snatched her hand back at the contact, determined to ignore the thrill of his touch. It was an impossible task, especially now that she knew what those strong, slender fingers were capable of.
Andre regarded her thoughtfully before speaking to the rest of the group.
“Let’s test it out.”
Everyone at the table turned to face them. Casey backed up and stood off to the side. She didn’t know what the next section of the program was but it wouldn’t hurt for her to stay out of the way.
Milo and Mya exchanged confused looks. Law shifted in his seat. He opened his mouth but after a glance at Andre’s determined face, he stayed silent.
“I need to finalize the slogan and marketing campaign before fashion week. We only have about three weeks.” Andre ran his hands over his hair and sighed. “We’re running out of time.”
“What do you mean test it out?” Mya asked. “Did you want us to set up a focus group and survey different demographics…”
Andre stood and waved impatiently. “No time for that. This is the third slogan we’ve tried, so I think it’s time we get a little creative. Besides, we have a member of our prime demographic group right here.”
Andre walked over to Casey and took her by the hand. Eyes wide, she followed him as he pulled her to the center of the room. Nervous, she folded her hands in front of her and tried not to fidget.
What was he doing? She should have known not to trust that easy smile. If he’d decided to get revenge on her for running out on him Saturday night, then he’d picked the perfect way to do it. There were few things she hated more than being put on display.
Andre walked over to the computer and pulled up an image of a young man wearing a sleek, black suit. The logo “Livin’ the Lavin Life” was splashed across the top of the photo in red.
“When you see this advertisement, what is the first thing that pops into your mind?” Andre strolled around the conference table until he stood next to her. His voice was mild and he had his thumbs casually tucked into his pockets, but his posture didn’t fool her. Her answer mattered to him. A lot.
“Um…I don’t know.” She glanced over her shoulder where everyone sat watching them. Mya looked nervous whereas Milo seemed amused. Law, on the other hand, was furious.
“This is my first advertising job. I don’t know much about this stuff.”
Andre noticed her peeking over her shoulder and pulled her to his side. “Uh-uh, piccolina,” he whispered. “Don’t look at them, look at the picture. Just tell me how it makes you feel.”
Casey heaved a great sigh. The man in the advertisement was handsome at least and not fashion-model thin like the ones she’d seen in other ads. The colors were vibrant and there was a diverse group of people in the background. Still, there was something off about the whole thing.
Later, she’d always wonder what happened in the next few moments. Maybe it was standing so close to the man who ignited her strongest fantasies, listening to the soft rasp of his breathing surrounded by the enticing scent of his cologne. Or maybe it was the intoxicating idea of someone listening to her and treating her as if they valued her opinion. Whatever the case, her usual shyness fled and she found herself speaking from the heart.
“The ad is perfect. It’s fun and energetic. There’s nothing wrong with the ad.” Casey looked over at Andre and smiled. “It’s just not what I would associate with you.”
Behind her Law let out a soft groan. Andre’s eyes rounded before he threw his head back and roared with laughter. There were a few soft titters behind them. Her face flamed. What the hell had come over her to say that?
Andre grabbed her arm and anchored her by his side. “This is exactly what I’ve been feeling. The question is why? I am a fun guy, no?”
All motion behind them stopped. She glanced over her shoulder again and was surprised to see Milo nod at her encouragingly. Buoyed, she turned back to the photo again. The damage was already done so she couldn’t stop talking now. If she didn’t explain herself she’d be forever known as the girl who told a client he wasn’t fun and then ran away in tears. She took a deep breath and turned to face Andre.
“Barbecues and basketball games are fun. You are not fun. You’re too sophisticated for such a simplistic word and that’s why this advertisement doesn’t work. I just don’t see you as a wild, crazy guy going out on the party scene.”
She opened her mouth to say more but then peeked over her shoulder. Law was glaring at her so she just shrugged. “It’s just my opinion. Like I said, I don’t know anything about advertising.”
Andre crossed his arms and eyed the picture again. He nodded slowly and turned back to her. “You know enough because you’re right. For example, I couldn’t see myself in that room with those people.”
“Exactly.” Casey pointed at the outfit the model was wearing. “I also can’t see you wearing that so casually. You’re just not a casual sort of man. This needs to be more elegant, more refined. The type of party where they serve champagne instead of beer.”
He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Like Saturday night, hmm?”
Struggling to keep her temper under control, Casey pointed a finger at him, inches away from jabbing him in the chest. “Do not tease me about that. It should have never happened,” she huffed as quietly as she could manage.
Andre regarded her silently for a moment before turning to the others. “We’ve made good progress today. Let’s reconvene in one week’s time.”
The room immediately erupted into sound. Milo and Mya launched into a barrage of questions. Law gripped his hair so tightly she feared he’d yank the gray strands out.
Surprisingly, in the midst of all the chaos, Anya took control. “So, we’re meeting next week again? What day will you be flying in?” She gripped a small yellow legal pad, hand poised to jot down the date.
Andre eyes cut over to Casey quickly. “I won’t be flying in.”
All the air in the room seemed to dry up and her stomach dropped. She didn’t know what that look meant but it didn’t bode well.
“I don’t plan on going back to Italy until this is resolved.” With that bombshell, Andre leaned over to Casey and whispered, “I’m picking you up after work. Meet me outside or I’m coming in to get you.”
* * * * *
Casey splashed water on her face and patted her skin dry with a paper towel. She probably shouldn’t have left the conference room in the midst of everything but she had reached her limit. She just hoped no one had noticed her absence.
The door swung open behind her and she closed her eyes. Hopefully it wasn’t Mya coming to check on her. She wasn’t ready to talk to anyone she knew yet. She opened her eyes and then stood straight up. The older woman from the Lavin team stood at the next sink, her handbag on the counter next to her.
“Hello again.” Casey moved over slightly and turned on the faucet. Hopefully she could escape without having to blunder through any awkward conversation.
“My son seems to be quite taken with you.”
Her son. Casey’s mouth dropped open. This cold, brittle woman was Andre’s mother?
“It’s not that I don’t understand the allure. I once had a dalliance with the family gardener. He was a strapping man and quite a pleasure.” The older woman kept her eyes on the mirror as she reapplied her lipstick. “But I’d already married and given my husband tw
o sons. It was harmless and just as forgettable. My son hasn’t yet done his duty.”
Her eyes roamed over Casey’s fitted skirt and blouse. She pursed her lips as if unimpressed. Casey felt her eyes well with tears.
The other woman patted Casey's hand, her touch as cold as her eyes. “It’s nothing personal, my dear. I’m sure you’re a lovely young woman, but my son has responsibilities you can’t begin to imagine. He needs someone appropriate for a man of his position. He’s thirty-one now and still unmarried. He needs to focus on his future.”
Casey nodded blindly. Tears obscured her vision so the room was just a wash of color. “I understand, Mrs. Lavin. Once the agency has finished his marketing plan, he won’t have any reason to come back here.” It hurt her just to say the words. “You have nothing to worry about.”
The older woman dropped her lipstick back into her bag and snapped it shut. “You’re a sweet girl. You’ve eased a mother’s heart today.” She clasped Casey in a quick hug and air kissed in the direction of her cheeks.
“I would hate to see his reputation tarnished by this in any way.” Then she was gone, leaving a cloud of expensive perfume and devastation in her wake.
That’s the kind of woman Andre grew up with. Even as she felt a shudder of sympathy, Casey envisioned the elegant women he was used to. Surely they weren’t all this cold. One day, he’d meet someone warm and interesting who happened to have the right bloodline. Someone who would fit in with his staunchly conservative mother and his exclusive social circle.
Someone appropriate.
It was only a matter of time before he had no reason to come back to D.C. If Casey had followed him home on Saturday, it would be doubly difficult for her when his time here was up. The best thing she could do was try to forget that brief magical interlude on the balcony and concentrate on her own future. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could stop wanting something she couldn’t have.
She left the bathroom slowly and walked down the hall to Mya’s office. Normally she loved assisting the designers because she got to see how the agency’s core business operated. There were so many intricacies involved in developing a marketing plan, from the colors used in the advertising, to the radio and television coverage of the company’s products. After her little chat with Mrs. Lavin she needed something to take her mind off everything. Hopefully Mya would have an interesting project for her to work on.