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Nathan's Heart (Brotherhood of Bandits (Mating Fever) Book 1) Page 3

  Which was kind of depressing.

  “Why would anyone target me? It’s not like I have any money.”

  “Money isn’t what he wants,” Nathan said gravely.


  “Avan. The Dragon King.”

  She moved forward slightly on the bed and the intoxicating scent that was uniquely hers swirled between them. His eyes drifted closed, enjoying it before he realized what was happening.


  He couldn’t let his guard down around her at all. Otherwise he’d have her on her back in the middle of his bed.

  “This is a little hard to believe. The king is after me? That guy doesn’t seem like the type who needs to kidnap women. He could probably just stand on the corner and crook his finger and have a harem if he wanted one.”

  He made a face. “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Oh, come on. Those eyes are a little weird but he’s still pretty hot.” Her eyes softened when she said it, like she was imagining the man in question. She licked her lips.

  His dragon didn’t like that at all.

  “He’s an asshole,” Nathan ground out. “And his… hotness aside, it’s entirely likely that he’s behind this. It’s not common knowledge but the dragon king is not well. He’s older and still without a mate. A dragon too long without a mate is at risk of dissolution.”

  “Dissolution? What does that mean?”

  Nathan struggled to think of human terms to explain. Humans didn’t have an animal nature so it was probably a foreign concept to them of losing their grasp on their humanity.

  “It means the dragon in question starts to sink further into their animal instincts. Eventually you lose your higher functioning completely. You become more animal than human.”

  It wasn’t until after he’d said it that he realized she might wonder how he knew so much about it. Luckily she didn’t seem to catch his slip. She was watching him closely, her eyes trained on his mouth.

  Then she licked her lips again.

  “Um, let me get you something else to wear and then find an extra blanket. I’ll take the couch so you can have the bed.”

  “Okay. But first, can I have something to drink? I’m so thirsty.”

  “Of course. I should have offered you something.”

  He left the room and walked down the hall to his small kitchen. When he’d built his den, it hadn’t occurred to him that he’d ever need more than the basics so the setup was functional more than attractive. He pulled down a glass from the cabinet next to the sink and filled it with water.

  You don’t even know how to treat a female. Giving her water from the tap? This isn’t worthy of her tongue.

  He suppressed the inner rumblings of his dragon and carried the water carefully back down the hall. Evie accepted it with a small smile that soothed the beast a bit. Until she proceeded to drain the glass in one sitting.

  When she finished, she swiped her arm across her mouth. “That’s what roofies do to you. Makes you feel just as dry as a bone.”

  “How would you possibly know that?”

  She gave him a sardonic look. “It’s not the first time I’ve been drugged. Plenty of girls learn the hard way not to leave their drinks unattended.”

  Anger flowed through him. He couldn’t take the images rolling through his brain just then. Pictures of Evie vulnerable and alone. Of some nameless, faceless male taking advantage of her when he wasn’t there to protect her.

  “What’s wrong with your face?”

  He looked up to see that she’d recoiled from him. His fingers touched his cheek tentatively. The scales that had come out without his knowledge felt smooth under his touch. He turned around so she wouldn’t see. After taking a deep breath, he felt them flatten back out.

  “Nothing for you to worry about. I’m going to keep you safe. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t sound convinced and he wasn’t either.

  Already he craved the sound of her voice. His body reacted to it like a drug that he’d been deprived of for too long. How the hell was he going to keep her safe when he couldn’t even control his body’s reaction to her?

  Well, you’re going to have to.

  He lectured himself as he left the room and then grabbed the extra blanket from the hall closet. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out. “What’s up, Ian?”

  “You don’t want to know. Kavan called asking about the package. Apparently he’s the Regent’s Second now.”

  “Really? Interesting. Little Kavi did well for himself. I wonder what Jovan thinks of that.” Nate chuckled at the thought of his hot-headed cousin being usurped for the Second position in favor of his younger brother.

  Ian grunted. “Jovan was always unpredictable. Too unpredictable to act as the King’s right hand. Anyway, I knew Kavi wouldn’t be happy but when I told him you were delayed due to the weather, well, saying he lost his shit is severely understating the issue. We have to deliver that package or I think he’s going to send out enforcers to take it. What the hell could be that valuable?”

  Nathan turned and his eyes locked with Evie’s. Still sitting on the bed, she crossed and uncrossed her legs before tugging on the bottom of his shirt. Her nipples still stood out against the material. To his shock, she rubbed her palms over the tight points, as if trying to relieve an ache.

  “Just stall him. I’ll think of something.”

  He hung up and then moved closer to the room. Evie’s eyes remained on his the entire time.

  “Evie? Are you okay?”

  She bit her lip and the innocent act sent most of the blood that wasn’t already in his dick in that direction.

  “I don’t feel good. It’s just really hot in here or something.”

  She tugged at the end of the shirt again. Then crossed her legs again, letting out a small moan when her thighs rubbed together, like the friction of her own skin against skin was unbearable. Nathan understood the feeling because that was how he felt, too. In an instant he understood what was happening.

  “It’s affecting you, too.”

  Her brow furrowed and he didn’t even bother explaining. He dropped the extra blanket on the bed and then strode out of the room. Through the living room and out the front door, he kept going until his jeans were soaked through.

  But after standing in the rain for a few minutes, he had to acknowledge that he was in deep shit. Because apparently he wasn’t the only one affected by the mating fever.

  Evie was feeling it, too.

  chapter four

  Evie clenched her jaw and tried to think of anything but how uncomfortable she was. It had started as just a faint ache between her thighs and then came the heat. A rush of warmth that rolled through her bringing a flush to her cheeks and a tight knot of… something… in the pit of her stomach.

  After shifting around on the bed for a while, she’d finally decided to stretch out. Nate had been outside for a really long time now and she wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing. It appeared that he was just standing in the rain but she couldn’t really tell. The guy was weird, there was no denying that but after spending so much time working for the secretive dragons, what else could she expect?

  Or maybe he just wants to get away from you.

  Her shoulders slumped at the thought that he’d rather stand out in the freezing rain than have to talk to her any longer.

  Not the most comforting possibility when he stood between her and freedom.

  Another throb of warmth unfurled from her belly and this time it was so strong, she curled in on herself forming a little ball on the bed. Her entire world shrank to that one sensation of heat and light and need. She needed something and only one man could give it to her. She cried out, a mournful sound and then just like that, he was there.

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Just hold on to me.”

  Evie sobbed as she clung to his damp chest, the scent of his skin all at once the most comforting thing in the world. This man that she’d ne
ver even seen up close until today was suddenly the center of all that was good and right in her world. He was the only one that could calm this storm raging inside. It didn’t make any sense but when he anchored his strong arms around her, she knew for sure that she didn’t care. As long as he didn’t let go.

  “Stay with me. Nathan.”

  She whispered his name, embarrassed at how needy she sounded. How could she want him so much when they’d only just met? But to her relief, he didn’t rebuff her or push her away. He seemed to know exactly what she was craving.

  “I think, under the circumstances, that you should call me Nate.” His deep chuckle ignited another curl of sensation in her core.

  “Nate.” She whispered his name, wondering why it felt so right.

  He turned her in his arms so her back was pressed against his chest and then buried his face in her hair. Tingles of sensation spread throughout her at the intimate contact and it brought tears to her eyes.

  “What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?”

  When he answered, his lips moved against her skin and it felt so good she seized in his arms. He held her throughout the spasm, petting her arms gently, bringing her down from the violence of her reaction to a place of gentle warmth.

  “Evie. There are some things that are happening… Fuck. I don’t even know how to explain. But I need to keep you close to me.”

  She nodded even though she didn’t really understand. “Okay.”

  It should have been awkward, resting in the arms of a man she didn’t even know. But somehow, Evie felt like she could rest and let go of her troubles for the first time in ages. She let out a soft sigh and sank deeper into the embrace. The next thing she knew, she woke to an empty bed.

  She sat up slowly pushing her wild curls out of her face. It was completely dark except from the light coming from the open door. Her legs and arms were still sore, something she realized as soon as she started moving around. Take it slow. Stretching out first one leg, then the other, Evie stood gingerly and stretched.

  “Nate?” She called out his name tentatively. There was no response.

  Her heart rate picked up. Had he left her here alone? She stepped out into the hallway and looked up and down the dark corridor. Maybe this was some kind of test and he wanted to see what she would do if she was alone. But she didn’t even get the sense there was anyone else in the house.

  This was her chance.

  Loneliness blanketed her and she was suddenly, inexplicably sad. When Nate had held her and comforted her, she’d been content in a way that she’d never experienced. Even though she knew logically what she needed to do, there was no denying that her emotions were pulling her in the opposite direction. Her traitorous, silly heart wanted her to stay curled up in his bed waiting for him. To let him hold her close again and protect and love her.

  Can you say Stockholm syndrome? Snap out of it, Evie!

  Looking down at the shirt that barely covered her ass, she wished that she had been kidnapped while at least wearing pants. But she might not get another chance like this. It was pretty much now or never. The stone floor was cold under her feet as she walked to the front door. It wasn’t locked and she tugged on it, wincing as it creaked when it opened.

  She emerged into the night on a wide, grassy field. It was still raining lightly. She looked behind her. Nate’s house appeared to be built right into the ground somehow. You’d miss it if you didn’t know it was there. There were several other houses in the distance that looked similar.

  She chose a direction at random and started walking. Hopefully she’d hit a main road and could find someone willing to call the police on her behalf. Mimi probably hadn’t even realized she was missing yet. It was a scary thought, the idea that no one knew where she was. What was her life worth if she could be kidnapped and no one even noticed? It was like she was completely invisible, screaming at the top of her lungs but not making a sound.

  Nate would notice, her stupid silly heart whispered.

  Even if Nate seemed nice, the truth was there were way too many holes in his story. There was something going on with him and history had taught her that when a man was evasive, he was hiding something.

  “Hey! Who are you?”

  She spun around, her bare feet slipping slightly in the muddy grass. A man stood a few feet behind her glaring at her. He was good-looking and tall with dark blond hair. He was also pissed.

  “I’m lost. I was just looking for the road.”

  She thought that sounded like a completely plausible story but his face twisted in disbelief.

  “Nice try. There are no roads anywhere near here. How the hell did you find us? Who sent you?”

  Stunned by his angry manner, she turned and ran in the other direction. There was a strange crackling sound behind her and she glanced over her shoulder. Her mouth fell open but no sound came out.

  In the field behind her, the man was gone and a huge gold dragon stood watching her. He flapped his wings and flew over her, landing in the field on the other side cutting off her only avenue of escape. Evie screamed as the force of the wind generated by his massive wings hit her like a wave.

  She dropped to her knees and instinctively covered her head.


  Nate’s voice, colored with fear and anger, sounded behind her. Even though she was pretty sure he was a criminal who may or may not have kidnapped her, she didn’t want him to get eaten by a monster. She managed to stumble to her feet then and ran back toward him.

  “Run, Nate!”

  He was obviously either really brave or really stupid because he kept running in her direction. She looked back at the huge dragon now advancing slowly behind her, looking even scarier the closer he got. Evie whimpered when he roared, emitting a long stream of fire that came so close she felt the heat on her face. Running faster, she ducked as something whizzed over her head.

  Confused, she looked around for Nate but he was gone. Maybe he’d taken her advice and run back to the house. When she finally reached the threshold of his door, she looked behind her and gaped.

  There were now two dragons flying overhead. Streams of fire burst from both of them but then one of them flew away. The other circled in the air, flying lower and lower. Then the huge body shimmered and shrank into itself and Nate landed on his feet directly in front of her, completely nude. He blinked at her with gold-slitted eyes.

  Evie fainted.

  Nate cursed as Evie’s eyes crossed and she fell back against the door. Luckily, he managed to catch her before she banged her head against the frame. Her head lolled against his shoulder, her dark hair cascading over her face.

  Damn Ian, he thought.

  His brother was just as vigilant about their security as he was but for the first time ever, he wished his brother was a little less zealous. What the hell had he been thinking, shedding skin in front of an obviously helpless human female?

  They’d had reporters, groupies and dragon hunters search them out before so they were constantly vigilant about protecting their privacy and the location of their clan. But Evie was clearly not carrying any kind of weapon or even a camera. Where the hell would she put it? She wasn’t even wearing proper clothes.

  Another thing that sent his blood pressure skyrocketing.

  His dragon definitely didn’t like that his brother had gotten a good eyeful of her lush breasts straining against his shirt and the creamy smooth skin of her exposed thighs. A rumble emitted from his throat at the thought of any other man viewing her soft curves and Evie stirred in his arms.

  Calm down, asshole. She’s not ours.

  He placed her gently on the bed, pulling the comforter over her again. It was his own fault for leaving to talk to Gavin while she was asleep. His youngest brother had a bad habit of ignoring his phone so both Nate and Ian knew to go bang on the door of his den if they really needed him. He spent the majority of his time absorbed in his books.

  No one knew what he was researching or why but
Gavin spent every spare second he wasn’t working collecting, reading and analyzing the old dragon texts. Maybe he was looking for a cure for the mating fever. Nate could only hope there might be a way out of being a slave to their biology but he wasn’t holding his breath.

  “You’re one of them?” Evie’s soft whisper startled him.

  He sat on the edge of the bed next to her. She pulled the blanket up higher, shielding herself from him. After the closeness they’d shared earlier, her withdrawal cut straight with all the deadly precision of a knife.

  He closed his eyes. “Yes. I am.”

  There was a soft shuffle but Nate didn’t dare look. If she was glaring at him with reproach or worse, fear, he didn’t want to see it. He wanted to remember her the way she’d been earlier, pliant and warm in his arms. Looking at him like she’d trust him to protect her from anything.

  He grabbed his phone from the dresser and texted Ian. She’s not a reporter. She’s with me. I should have warned you I had a human here.

  After a few minutes he got a terse response. It’s cool. What are we going to do about Avan’s delivery. Do you want me to take it?

  Nate gritted his teeth. Tell him I dropped it. If he wants to come here and take what doesn’t exist, let him try.

  He immediately turned his phone off, not wanting to see how much shit his brother would give him over that.

  “You’re never going to let me go, are you?”

  His head lifted at the soft question. Evie watched him with quiet dignity, not making a sound despite the tears on her cheeks.

  Without a word, he plucked her up and deposited her in his lap, blanket and all. Keeping his distance became impossible when confronted with her distress. It was impossible for any dragon male not to comfort his mate when she was in need.


  He rejected the thought. That was nothing but the mating fever talking. He’d been way too long without a female. But either way, it was too deeply ingrained to protect women for him not to react to the sight of a woman crying. His dragon rumbled in his chest approvingly as she clung to his bare chest, her tears dampening his skin. He whispered to her softly, not even aware of what he said. In that moment he would have promised her anything to take that fear from her sweet face.